Advanced Civilisation Projects

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision.

Money, Power and Economic Infrastructure
National Treasury Reserves : capital and resources
Strategic and Industrial Resource Base :
Metal, Minerals, Materials Exchange :
Polymer Banknotes and Securities Certificates :
Alternate currency, trade systems and associations :

Public and private financial institutions
new payment systems and credit card infrastructure
private trust, investment banking and enterprise finance
open source technology and telecommunication systems
Ethical and creative options for government and personnel

Enterprise Infrastructure
New Stock Market Development and Public Companies :
Existing Stock Market and (IPOs) Initial Public Offering :
Private enterprise development :
Business combinations, joint ventures & co-development :
Real estate and industrial infrastructure optimization :

Intellectual Capital
Individual, Bourgeoisie and Enterprise Continuum :
Inventor, Intellectual Property and Capital Continuum :
Inventor and Technology Protection and Deployment :
Suppressed Advanced Technology Integration :
Personnel development, character, trades and skill :

Personnel Development, Competence and Character
University, College, Trade and Technical Institute
(Battlegroup 301 Incorported - UCTTI Development Program)
Optimize enterprise and work learning co-op &/or scholarships
Strategic, Operational & Tactical Industry Optimization:

Working Environment
Advanced Manufacturing and Digital Capabilities
Old school manufacturing, innovation and abilities
Open source computer hardware and software

SEDI Multi Industry Engineering & Test Establishment
experimental and applied R&D, testing and certification
SEDI Technology Demonstration Program

Industry and Enterprise Operational Base
Integrated and independent products, OEM, green,
investment, development, sales, acquisition and deployment
national, strategic, tactical and operational advantage
rural community industrial park, private shop and personnel
national, regional and local infrastructure optimization

Advanced Enterprise Continuum
business combinations, investment management, private trustee,
financial and non financial investment, working share owners
ownership, voting, control, strategic risk and asset managment
executive, board of directors representation, pro-active investment
optimize enterprise, capital, investment, technology and markets

Enterprise Stability, Mobility and Agility
Business risk profile open to new innovative enterprise
general and advanced technology, engineering and manufacturing
enterprise, infrastructure, capital structure and personnel continuum
Machinery, industrial facilities and supply chain optimization
national and global supply chains, OEM & custom production

Society Infrastructure
Advanced Civilized Civilization Continuum
Individual Creative Imagination and Personnel Development
Resources, Product, Services, Technology and Infrastructure
Peace, Order and Good Government Continuum (POGG)
Faith, Family, Freedom, Free Enterprise, Founding People

Capital Vault Incorporated Continuum
Space, Aerospace, Marine, Automotive, Railroads & Defence
Forestry, Farming, Agriculture, Soil, Natural Resources
Design, architecture, construction, civil engineering
Transportion infrastructure, technology, vehicles, supply chain

counter-measures and pro-active exponential projects
for visionary and ambitious people
alliance, group identity and co-operative association
Integrating real national and global research awareness
Nationalist news media - industry, enterprise, projects, POGG

Amplified with the alternate reality creation engine…

Independent from the SR&ED -
strategic research & experimental tax credit (SR&ED) options
Jurisdiction, Entity, Enterprise & Capital Structure Options
Business Combinations, Ownership, Control & Voting Options
Investment, Development, Conversion & Acquisition Options

Exponential Projects Account en route
Private Investment Management Account
Strategic Account Options
Strategic Risk Management
Program, Product, Technology, Services & Process Options

Zero tax & non reporting Options (think local act global, right?)
Hard currency-cash, negotiable instruments electronic transactions,
registered and non-registered Options
Financial and non-financial investment & contributions
conditional sales and/or acquisition and/or deployment

Zero stock market risks, Exo-political risk reduction & neutralization
New and existing stock market Options, IPO Options
Wealth & Investment management & financial institution options
no foreign controlled, credit agencies, unions or entities
no corrupt, erroneous, discriminatory Canadian credit bureau

Real Canadians - the founding people of Canada
Character, Creativity, Competence and Cash flow rating
Reliability, productivity, loyalty and co-operative association
National Security Protocols, Provisions, Power & Providence

Peace, Order & Good Government for the Union of Canada
Self-government of the founding people - the legal Confederation of 1867

counter-measures for the illegal coup d'état 1982 Constitution*
* = is a take over and super imposed illegal law and authority
* taking power illegally, by an individual or a group who exercise the fonction inside of state infrastructure
counter-measures for Crime, Treason, Genocide, War & Immorality

Join-Strategic.pdf - SEDI_Advanced_Civilisation.pdf - Join_SEDI_Advanced_Civilisation.pdf

Individual Creative Imagination is Visionary!

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision…

Exercise the power to create an awesome future now

Join Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.